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What is a Facebook Scan account?

Lam Ng

Thành viên mới
Tham gia
6 Tháng
Bài viết
In the Facebook Ads community, "scan ad accounts" have become an attractive concept for businesses, especially small and medium-sized businesses. But not everyone understands what a scan advertising account is. What is the power of this type of account that makes it so attractive? Max Ads is ready to share all the information in the article below!

1. What is a Facebook Scan account?


What is a Facebook Scan account?

Scan is a BM (Business Manager) account, or a foreign individual but has exceeded the operating threshold. This is different from Voice because the budget is smaller, created by an individual or company that does not take credit as seen above.

Regular use of advertising. But also thanks to the large spending budget with Facebook, there is a high spending threshold available and this threshold is redundant.

Currently, you can classify Facebook Scan accounts into 2 types:

Scan account has a threshold: There is a spending limit at a certain threshold.

Scan limit account: The account limits the maximum daily spending of an advertising account.

2. Why to choose Facebook Scan account?


The power of the Facebook Scan account

Facebook scan accounts are a material that is extremely popular with small and medium businesses because of the superior features available. With a Scan account, you can:

Get better support from the Facebook advertising team than with a regular account.

The account updates Facebook's newest and oldest advertising features.

Easily manage multiple Pages on the same browser.

The advertising interface is user-friendly, you can easily add or remove, and delegate administrative rights to others.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of Scan

Advantages: Save costs on running ads, and reduce costs thereby optimizing profits.

Disadvantages: for Scan, the most concerned disadvantage is the purchase of an account and it is back (hacked) in return, so the difficulty is to find a reputable unit and the least hacked source to avoid the problem.

I spent money to buy an account but I can't use it.

The second disadvantage of Scan is that the account is continuously scanned by Facebook. If you buy an account and cannot use it, it is considered a loss of money without receiving any benefits from the account.

Another problem is that if scanning is run a lot, it will affect the products they run, affecting the market, so for scanning, retailers that run for a while should research other products to avoid the market being affected.

4 Benefit of Scan Facebook at Max Ads

Max Ads is an advertising media company that provides effective marketing solutions to reach potential customers with the highest conversion rate!


Scan Facebook at Max Ads

With a professional and elite team, we are always ready to provide the most suitable SOLUTIONS - MARKETING STRATEGIES for customers to turn sketches into reality with quality service and reasonable prices; Always work with CREATIVITY - RESPONSIBILITY - PASSION for the profession to bring TRUE VALUES to customers.

Services of Max Ads:

Facebook Scan Account

Facebook Scan Account Rental Service

Running All Types of Goods, From Clean to VPCS

The account is stable, you can get it right away

Facebook Ads service

Fanpage management

Quality seeding, beautiful images.

SEO-optimized content, clear roadmap.

Coming to us you will receive:

Elite team, dedicated to consulting and knowledgeable in multiple industries

Content is top-notch, understands the IDEAS, hits the PROBLEM

Creative, professional designer with unique publications

Optimize costs with a quality outsourcing marketing department

See more information about us

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