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Scan Facebook: a strategy to success with Maxads

Lam Ng

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Tham gia
8 Tháng
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In today's 4.0 technology era, Scan Facebook has become a popular tool in the advertising market. It is a technical term for running Facebook ads, but not everyone clearly understands the concept of what a Facebook scan account is and how it works.

Let's find out with Maxads!

What is a Facebook scan account?


Concept of scanning Facebook

Facebook scan account, i.e. BM (Business Manager) account. This is a foreign advertising account, with a spending threshold set. Compared to other advertising tools, the budget used for Scan accounts is less.

What are the benefits of Scan Facebook?

The benefits this tool brings to businesses include:

Optimal support from the Facebook advertising team: One of the most important benefits of a Scan account is that you will receive great support to optimize your advertising campaigns and achieve better performance from Facebook ad groups and regular accounts.

Instant updates to the latest advertising features: Scan accounts are always updated with the latest advertising features to help you stay ahead of the curve in using Facebook's advertising tools and taking advantage of them and the latest opportunities.

Manage multiple Fanpages easily: With a Scan account, you can manage multiple Fanpages and post to multiple pages at the same time.

User-friendly advertising interface: User-friendly advertising interface helps optimize the work process and facilitate collaboration within a group

Things to note about scanning Facebook

Every tool will have pros and cons. Here are some things to keep in mind when partners use Facebook scanning for businesses to avoid unnecessary risks.

Spending restrictions: Scan accounts usually have smaller advertising budgets than other advertising accounts, so users will not be able to spend too much money on their ads in a day.

Cannot apply for credit from Facebook: This account is not allowed to apply for credit from Facebook so users will not be able to increase their advertising budget by applying for credit from Facebook.

Cannot use advanced advertising features: Scan accounts are not allowed to use advanced advertising features such as custom audiences, custom positioning, custom engagements, etc.

Why should you choose Scan Facebook at Max Ads?


The benefits that Maxads brings

Max Ads is an advertising media company that provides effective marketing solutions to reach potential customers with the highest conversion rate!

With a professional and elite team, we are always ready to provide the most suitable SOLUTIONS - MARKETING STRATEGIES for customers to turn sketches into reality with quality service and reasonable prices; Always work with CREATIVITY - RESPONSIBILITY - PASSION for the profession to bring TRUE VALUES to customers.

Coming to us you will receive:

  • Elite team, dedicated to consulting and knowledgeable in multiple industries

  • Content is top-notch, understands the IDEAS, hits the PROBLEM

  • Creative, professional designer with unique publications

  • Optimize costs with a quality outsourcing marketing department

more information about us here.

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