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Tổng hợp kiến thức chủ đề GLOBALIZATION IELTS WRITING

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1.Từ vựng chủ đề GLOBALIZATION

a. The world – the countries
  • Developing countries: Poverty is still an issue in many developing countries.
  • Less developed countries: Many less developed countries suffer from a poor transport infrastructure.
  • The industrialized world: It is the responsibility of the industrialized world to provide financial support.
  • Richer nations: Richer nations exploited the natural resources found in Africa and Asia in colonial times.
  • Superpower (Siêu quyền lực): While the USA was the great economic superpower of the twentieth century, it seems likely that the world economy will be dominated by China and India in the twenty first century.
  • You should note some very useful world phrases: all around the world, all over the world, in all four corners of the world, worldwide, the other side of the world.
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Cách viết thư yêu cầu trong IELTS General Writing Task 1

b. How to say “global”
  • Globalization is a good word, but you do need some alternatives. These options allow you to use the word “global” in different ways and thinks about different aspects of globalization.
  • The global village (làng): It is often said that we live a global village, not least because it is so easy to communicate with people all over the world.
  • The global economy: One feature of the global economy is that countries are affected by economic problems in other parts of the world.
  • Global trade (giao thương): The WTO has helped reduce tariffs on global trade and this has changed the marketplace.
  • International (co-operation) (hợp tác): This problem requires International cooperation just because it reaches beyond the borders of any one country.
  • The world: Modern telecommunication system and the internet have made the world a much smaller place.
  • Local/national/domestic (nội địa): If we are to find a solution to world poverty, it is necessary to look for domestic solutions and not just international aid.
  • Universal (phổ phát/phổ thông): A negative aspect of globalization is that some cultures are losing some of their identity, as more and more people adopt a new universal culture
c. Co-operation and integration
  • Co-operate: For example, countries in the EU now co-operate together to control the level of immigration.
  • Integrate (hội nhập): One key feature of globalization is that economies around the world have become much more closely intergrated.
  • Communication: One of the major benefits of globalization is the ease of communication in the modern world.
d. Other problems related globalisation
  • Loss of identity (mất bản sắc): While it can be argued that globalization leads to greater harmony, one drawback is that loss of cultural identity may follow.
  • National sovereignty (chủ quyền): Many people object to globalization on the grounds that it interferes with national sovereignty.


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