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My name is Aayushi Jain. I've worked in the textiles industry for a long time, and my official title is a blogger. Since I've been blogging for DMAASA I've written about a variety of hand-crafted fabrics. From decorating your house with lovely handmade pieces to enhancing an individual's persona using various fabrics. Block Print Fabric, Indigo print Fabric, tie-dye Fabric, Jaipuri Block Print Fabric, unstitched printed suit sets, sarees Kantha quilts Jaipuri Razai and Comforters cushions, curtain cases, curtains, and pillowcases are among my most loved niches in which I write a thought-provoking daily story. Apart from my own experience, I've purchased traditional designs to embellish my house, so if you want to buy antique handcrafted objects that can blend with the latest fashions.
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2/6/97 (Tuổi: 26)