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TPHCM Từ vựng và bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Topic INTELLIGENCE


Thành viên mới
Tham gia
2 Năm 5 Tháng
Bài viết
Từ vựng chủ đề Intelligence
  • goal-oriented: người định hướng mục tiêu tốt
  • tie their happiness to “winning”: gắn sự hạnh phúc với việc chiến thắng
  • feeling depressed when things don’t go well: thấy chán nản khi mọi thứ không như ý
  • The problem is more acute for: vấn đề này còn nghiêm trọng hơn với
  • prone to depression: dễ bị trầm cảm
  • send them into a downward spiral: càng ngày càng lún sâu vào trầm cảm
  • make themselves miserable: làm họ thấy khổ sở
  • normal people doing 9-to-5 jobs: những người bình thường làm cv bình thường
  • highly intelligent people = smart people
1. Do you think children are born smart or they learn to become smart?
Well, this is genuinely a difficult question. I believe that even scientists are debating this. Obviously, the environment that a child grows up in and the quality of their education directly affect their intelligence. Children who go to good schools are more likely to do well in intelligence tests. On the other hand, it’s also hard to deny the role the genetic makeup of a child plays in determining his or her level of intelligence. I think they are equally important.

  • directly affect (adv v): ảnh hưởng trực tiếp
  • likely (adj): có khả năng
  • genetic makeup (adj+n): gen, vật chất di truyền
2. How do children become smarter at school?
I think that having less rote learning that relies heavily on memorisation is a good start. Children should be taught to reason and think logically. And don’t get wrong, I do not mean schools should start teaching children how to solve complicated equations. On the contrary, schools should let children play games that stimulate their minds like solving puzzles and role playing to solve hypothetical problems.

  • rote learning : cách học đọc-chép
  • to rely on (phrasal verb): phụ thuộc
  • to reason (v): lí luận
  • equation (n): phương trình toán học
  • to stimulate (v): kích thích
  • hypothetical (adj): giả sử
3. Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?
Off the top of my head, I can only say that it’s due to their jobs. In my opinion, people who work in managerial roles tend to be generalists. They know about many things from social skills, communication to management. They have to be like that because their jobs require them to deal with other people. In contrast, technical workers like to be proficient only in their area of expertise. As they get better in their field, they get paid better.

  • Off the top of my head (collocation): ý nói tôi không chắc chắn lắm
  • managerial (adj): có tính chất quản lí
  • generalist (n): người làm được nhiều thứ
  • to deal with (phrasal verb): làm việc với, xử lí với
  • expertise (n): chuyên môn
  • proficient (adj): thành thạo
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